Group 12 Scenario: small skeletally immature animal with puncture wound into the bone causing osteomyelitis Symptoms: non-weight bearing lameness, visible exterior wound likely History: wound, sudden onset of clinical signs Clinical observations/P.E.: lameness, localized pain and swelling, possibly febrile, purulent exudate possible, leukocytosis, positive bacterial culture, abcess formation Specialty findings: early radiographs may show only non-specific soft tissue changes, followed by bone destruction 10-14 days after infection. In comparison to the hematogenously spread large animal case may see more extensive tissue involvement and effusion Management plan: start antimicrobial therapy with clindamycin until culture and seneitivity results available, drain local abcess if not resolved within 3 days, depending on severity may require surgical debridement Prognosis: fair to good prognosis with treatment and no bone fragments; chronic osteomyelitis has guarded prognosis