Interpretation of Results: ClinPath: Overall, the clinical pathology test results are normal. We noticed slight hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, and hyperphosphatasemia. The dog is anemic, most likely due to the blood loss from the vehicular impact. The increased AP can be explained by the prior corticosteriod administation, which induces a unique isoenzyme of AP. Also, the hyperglycemia can be explained by the prednisolone, because it increases gluconeogenesis. In addition, lipolysis is stimulated by corticosteriod administration, which explains the hypercholesterolemia. Radiology: The left femur has a comminuted fracture of midshaft; it is splintered in multiple places (at least 6 pieces). The right tibia also has a midshaft comminuted fracture; it is also splintered in multiple pieces (at least 5). Pelvis and hip look normal, ruling out luxation and fracture.