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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: deindividuation, group mind loses feeling of personal idientity Conduct of War, group mind more people to blame in a group Suicide Baiting, in a performance with an audience impulisive behavior more likely to occur ????, Deindividuation when a persons is in a group or crowd whose personal constraints to "tell" them not to do something are weakened emergent properties of groups, performance alone behaves normally ????, emergent properties of groups persons changes thiers behavior in groups performance alone, Deindividuation ???? group mind, Apperance Changes face paint or masks 80% more aggressive in war, Apperance Changes no deidentivication only 13% were more aggressive, Conduct of War ???? Apperance Changes, Suicide Baiting encouraging a person that is wanting to commit suicide to kill themselves more present in crowds, emergent properties of groups persons changes thiers behavior in groups in a performance with an audience