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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Huiying_holism, "The fundamental cause of the deter- ioration of the global ecological environ- ment since the beginning of the twen- tieth century lies in the exploitation and utilization of natural resources in all countries and regions, which focus on local interests while neglecting the adverse impact of local environmental destruction upon the ecological whole." therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) we should take as our "historical mission the realignment of the human-nature relation- ship and the examinat- ion of human behaviors from the perspective of ecological holism" (21), "championing the equilibrium of ecological system" (20), "The natural ecological system is an organic whole." quoted from Li Chunqiu and Chen Chunhua, eds., Ecological Ethics(Beijing: Science Press, 1994), pp. 108 and 115., "Damage and destruction of a certain part of this whole, when reaching a limit, will definitely cause disequilibrium of the organic whole and thus hurt the coordinated development of the organic whole.” therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) we should take as our "historical mission the realignment of the human-nature relation- ship and the examinat- ion of human behaviors from the perspective of ecological holism" (21), "championing the equilibrium of ecological system" (20), if the "natural ecological system is an organic whole," if damage "and destruction of a certain part of this whole, when reaching a limit, will definitely cause disequilibrium of the organic whole," if the "fundamental cause of the deterioration of the global ecological environment ... lies in the exploitation and utilization of natural resources in all countries and regions," and if we "respect ... the harmony between human beings and nature," then we should take as our "historical mission the realignment of the human-nature relationship," "championing the equilibri- um of ecological system" therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) we should take as our "historical mission the realignment of the human-nature relation- ship and the examinat- ion of human behaviors from the perspective of ecological holism" (21), "championing the equilibrium of ecological system" (20), we "respect ... the harmony between human beings and nature." therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) we should take as our "historical mission the realignment of the human-nature relation- ship and the examinat- ion of human behaviors from the perspective of ecological holism" (21), "championing the equilibrium of ecological system" (20), "The natural ecological system is an organic whole." therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) we should take as our "historical mission the realignment of the human-nature relation- ship and the examinat- ion of human behaviors from the perspective of ecological holism" (21), "championing the equilibrium of ecological system" (20), "Damage and destruction of a certain part of this whole, when reaching a limit, will definitely cause disequilibrium of the organic whole and thus hurt the coordinated development of the organic whole.” quoted from Li Chunqiu and Chen Chunhua, eds., Ecological Ethics(Beijing: Science Press, 1994), pp. 108 and 115.