Nutrition, Beef and Feeds Quiz

3. Nutrient used to grow muscle; it is supplemented in feeds quite often
4. Roughage feedstuffs that can take nitrogen from the air and put it in the ground; examples are alfalfa and clovers
7. Provide 2.25 times the energy of carbohydrates; examples - corn, sorghum and barley
9. The nutrient animals cannot live without; helps animals eliminate wastes
10. This feed is a non-legume roughage that is made up of the entire cornstalk being broken down by bacteria during anerobic digestion
13. Breed of cattle developed entirely in the USA; cattle are known for their size of horns
14. Tall, white to gray breed of cattle that originated in Italy
15. Breed that can be used for beef or dairy purposes; it is red, red/white or roan in color
19. Any ration ingredient used to support life or increase productivity of an animal
20. Breed of cattle that is the combination of shorthorn and brahman; developed on the King Ranch in Texas
21. Term used to describe cattle that are born without horns
1. Feedstuffs that are high in energy and low in fiber
2. Regulate body glands and metabolism; examples are A,D,E,K, riboflavin, niacin
5. - Whitish gray breed of cattle with a hump on its neck; raised in the south because they are resistant to heat and insects
6. Primary function of this nutrient is to provide energy; found in the largest amounts in animal diets
8. Amount of feed required by an animal in a 24 hour period
11. Needed in very small amounts in animal diets; examples - calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium
12. Black breed of beef cattle which is known for good maternal ability
14. Heavy muscled white breed of cattle that originated in France
16. Feedstuffs that are low in energy and high in fiber
17. Red breed of beef cattle that has horns and is know for good maternal ability
18. Wormers, antibiotics and hormones are examples of this type of feedstuff

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