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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Human terrain, Actors are parts of Relationships, Behaviors - What behaviors comprises the operational problem? - Under what circumstances does the behavior occur? What factors facilitate and deters the behavior? - What are drivers, shapers, and preservers of the behavior? - What actors have been/are/will be involved in the behavior? - What relationships are linked to the behavior? - How long has the behavior existed?, - What actors and roles can be identified in the strategic directive? - What actors and roles are identified from current intel? - What is the actor's intent/will with respect to the operational problem? - What are the typical characteristics/profiles of the actors? (targets, red, green, white, allied) Actors, What are the relationships between the different actors? - Which actors are interacting on a regular basis / are part of a network? - Which actors belong to a group (share "internal scene", are "members")? - Which actors are adversaries / allies? - How are the actors dependent on eachother? - Which actors are "in control / have power / influence" over others? Relationships, Actors can be part in Interaction, Interaction - What interaction can / can't occur between us and the actors? - What intereaction should / shouldn't occur between us and the actors? Who can we communicate with? - What channels of communication are available? - What is the discourse of the different actors? - Who are relevant target audiences for messages?, Behaviors involves Actors