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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Governance - Use Case, Gaps Between Expectations and Reality remain Grievances, Governance (Type and Decision Making) Key Key Decision Makers, Programs to Address Corruption for example 1. Debar corrupt firms from employment by ISAF 2. Smaller contracts with more firms 3. Supreme Court Translation Unite (technical advice for managing assets and finances) 4. Support to Major Crimes Task Force and Afghan Sensitive Investigations Unit 5. Economic Growth and Governance Initiative (USAID), Step 4: Identify Potential Relevant Programs such as Programs to Address Corruption, 1.Increase perception of government legitimacy 2. Marginalize the insurgency 3. Protect the population 4. Increase sustainability and reduce dependence 5. Put Afghans in the lead 6. Push for an institutionalized rather than personalized decentralization of power with greater Afghan participation 7. Demilitarize development assistance 8. Reduce corruption through enforcement and prevention (focus on reduction of perception (Afghan perspective) of corruption: petty corruption (payments, enforcements and unacceptable international practices (waste of aid money, over-compensation of consultants to Afghan govt) then proceed to Step 4: Identify Potential Relevant Programs, mechanism to address or a catalyst for change remain Grievances, Step 2: What is the state of as well as the perception of the government and leaders and which components of governance are in need of support/development? Assess the State of the Government based on Governance (Type and Decision Making), Step 2: What is the state of as well as the perception of the government and leaders and which components of governance are in need of support/development? Assess the Perception of the Governance based on perception of Legitimacy, Programs to Address Legitimacy for example Internal: 1. Stabilization Programs (including Afghan Civilian Assistance, Community Development and PRT Quick Impact Programs 2. Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups 3. National Solidarity Programme 4. Tactical: Key Leader Engagements, Messaging External: 1. Demonstration of external support with senior leader visits 2. Engage India, Russia, China, Central Asian republics to discuss regional stability support strategies See also Programs to Address Government Capacity/Function and Programs to Address Corruption., Governance Functions inclluding provision of Rule of Law, Stability of the Form of Formal Govt is it transitional democracy?, Step 2: What is the state of as well as the perception of the government and leaders and which components of governance are in need of support/development? Assess the Perception of the Governance based on perception of Political Opportunity or "Voice", Governance Use Case is Coaliition Role in Afghanistan, 1.Increase perception of government legitimacy 2. Marginalize the insurgency 3. Protect the population 4. Increase sustainability and reduce dependence 5. Put Afghans in the lead 6. Push for an institutionalized rather than personalized decentralization of power with greater Afghan participation 7. Demilitarize development assistance 8. Reduce corruption through enforcement and prevention (focus on reduction of perception (Afghan perspective) of corruption: petty corruption (payments, enforcements and unacceptable international practices (waste of aid money, over-compensation of consultants to Afghan govt) identify interdependenceis with Economic Development Economic Development Intervention CMap, Step 4: Identify Potential Relevant Programs such as Programs to Address Governance Capacity and Function, Step 2: What is the state of as well as the perception of the government and leaders and which components of governance are in need of support/development? Assess the State of the Government based on Stability of the Form of Formal Govt, Step 1: Governance Guiding Questions draw a picture that answers the question Step 2: What is the state of as well as the perception of the government and leaders and which components of governance are in need of support/development?, Governance Functions inclluding provision of Key Services, Step 2: What is the state of as well as the perception of the government and leaders and which components of governance are in need of support/development? then proceed to Step 3: Identify top-level Strategies, Step 2: What is the state of as well as the perception of the government and leaders and which components of governance are in need of support/development? Assess the State of the Government based on Governance Functions