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Electric Hoof Knife Treating Dairy Toe Ulcer

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Published on Jan 27, 2014

In this video, professional hoof trimmer Glenn Rowland demonstrates how the Electric Hoof Knife can be used to make treating dairy toe ulcers easier. Unlike a traditional hoof knife, the Electric Hoof Knife only removes as little hoof as necessary to treat the problem, making the procedure less painful and more humane for the cow.

Having a

that can go from maintenance trimming to performing intricate hoof care procedures all with less stress on your body makes your job easier and faster. You can watch the rest of our videos to see what other hoof care procedures the Electric Hoof Knife can be used for, but the best way to find out is to try it for yourself.


  1. 5

    Debriding Canker Abscess with Electric Hoof Knife

  2. 6

    Mano de granja Pablo habla de la Electric Hoof Knife

  3. 7

    Electric Hoof Knife Trimming Goat Hooves

  4. 8

    Electric Hoof Knife Trimming 3 Yeard Old Male Goat Hoof

  5. 9

    Electric Hoof Knife Trims 4 Goat Hooves in 4 Minutes

  6. 10

    Electric Hoof Knife Close Up Trimming Goat Hooves

  7. 11

    Electric Hoof Knife Trimming Overgrown Goat Hooves

  8. 12

    Electric Hoof Knife Trimming Sheep Hooves

  9. 13

    Electric Hoof Knife Trimming Goat in Under 5 Minutes

  10. 14

    Electric Hoof Knife Trimming Goat Hoof

  11. 15

    Customer Trimming Goat Hooves with Electric Hoof Knife

  12. 16

    Electric Hoof Knife Trimming Goats Horns

  13. 17

    Electric Hoof Knife for Equine Instructional Video

  14. 18

    Electric Hoof Knife for Dairy Instructional Video

  15. 19

    Electric Hoof Knife Power Rasp on Standard Hoof

  16. 20

    Electric Hoof Knife Power Rasp on Draft Hoof

  17. 21

    Electric Hoof Knife Maintenance Trimming Dairy Hooves

  18. 22

    Professional Hoof Trimmer Glenn Rowland Using the Electric Hoof Knife

  19. 23

    Electric Hoof Knife Treating Double Sole

  20. 24

    Electric Hoof Knife Treating Dairy Sole Ulcer

  21. â–¶

    Electric Hoof Knife Treating Dairy Toe Ulcer

  22. 26

    Electric Hoof Knife Removes Wooden Block from Dairy Hoof

  23. 27

    Electric Hoof Knife Chainsaw Disc Trimming Draft Hoof

  24. 28

    Electric Hoof Knife Chainsaw Disc Trimming Standard Horse Hoof

  25. 29

    Electric Hoof Knife Miniature Trimming Disc

  26. 30

    Electric Hoof Knife Chainsaw Disc on Miniature Hooves

  27. 31

    University of Florida Resident Farrier Trims Cadaver Hoof with Electric Hoof Knife

  28. 32

    Customers and Farriers Using the Electric Hoof Knife

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