Abnormal conformation can cause musculoskeletal problems of the limbs, especially the feet.

    1.  excessively straight legs or post-legged cattle - decreased
        angulation of the stifle and hock joints - less shock absorption
        by the muscles, tendons, and ligaments - greater stress of stifle
        and hock joints and ultimately the feet.

    2.  sicklehocks - rear feet and forward with increased angulation of
        the hocks which shifts weight toward the rear of each foot
        stressing flexor tendons and weakening the pastern.

    3.  cow hocks - shift more weight to the lateral claw of the rear feet

    4.  valgus or varus deformities cause abnormal distribution of

Claws - should be sized relative to the weight and

of the animal - claws should diverge only slightly when bearing weight - the angle of the cranial wall of the hoof to the ground should be 50-55 degrees in the front feet and 45-50 degrees in the rear feet - the heels should be high enough to keep the softer heel bulbs from touching the ground.



Copyright 1999-2001
New Bolton Center Field

Students:  Keith Javic - Class of 2003, C. Nikki Conroy - Class of 2003