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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 08c. Heme breakdown & jaundice, Removal of Fe Makes Carbon Monoxide (which we breathe out), Biliverdin followed by Reduction, "Free" accumulates when Other compounds displace bound bilirubin, HEME DEGRADATION AND JAUNDICE for other info on Heme CLICK HERE!, Van den Bergh Rxn Whereby Conjugated bilirubin will react w/out methanol, cholestasis may be a sign of Hepatitis, HEME DEGRADATION AND JAUNDICE heme degradation sites bone marrow, Water soluble mono/diglucuronides called Conjugated, Excreted into intestine where Bacteria cut it up, liver travels in plasma via Albumin, Incr formation this will Overwhelm liver, "Free" inhibits Protein synthesis, Heme oxygenase is Rate limiting step!, binds to cytosolic proteins which convert it to Water soluble mono/diglucuronides, cholestasis ie Excess Conjugated, Overwhelm liver so you'll see Excess Unconjugated, Very toxic leads to Brain damage (kernicterus), HEME DEGRADATION AND JAUNDICE heme degradation sites liver, liver where it binds to cytosolic proteins, Conjugated bilirubin will react w/out methanol hence is termed Direct Rxn