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This Concept Map has information related to: Serious Illness Symptom Healing, Very High Fevers needs to give medicine such as Paracetamol or Aspirin Dosage:- 2 tablets every 4 hours for persons 12+ years; 1 tablet every 4 hours for child 6-12 years; 1/2 tablet every 4 hours for children 3 -6 years; 1/4 tablet every 4 hours for children under 3 years; Consult Doctor immediately if high fever does not go down, Problems with Pregnancy & Childbirth e.g. Swollen Face & trouble seeing in last months, huge Protein in Urine, Sudden Weight Gain, Problems with Pregnancy & Childbirth e.g. Any Bleeding during Pregnancy, Very High Fevers needs to do until medical help comes When fever is above 102 F, put cloths soaked in cool water on chest & forehead, plenty of cool water to drink, Tar like black Stools or Vomit with Blood or Feces needs to do until medical help comes Severe Ulcer:- Drink a glass of boiled milk every hour for the first few days; Eat bananas, oats, cheese etc; Avoid Coffee, cigarettes, spices & pepper, soft drinks, greasy foods; Antacids (e.g, Milk of Magnesia, or Magnesium & Aluminium Hydroxide also help fight stomach acid & cure ulcers, High Fever above 102.2 F for more than 4-5 days needs to do until medical help comes Uncover the sick one to have fresh breeze; Drink lots of boiled Water/ Juices etc. For ba- bies rush to doctor, Severe Bleeding or Hemorrhaging needs Immediate Hospitalization, Medicine- Ergonovine / Oxytocin etc, Not able to Urinate for a day or more due to Urinary Tract Infections or Kidney Stones or Prostate trouble or Gonorrhea, Great Difficulty in Breathing even at rest due to Heart Trouble: Cardiac Asthma Angina Pectoris Heart Attack, Coma or cannot be wakened caused by Drunkenness, a hit on head, shock, heat stroke, stroke, heart attack, fainting from sudden fear, weakness, etc