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Esse mapa conceitual, produzido no IHMC CmapTools, tem a informação relacionada a: Concept Mapping of Health Care for Women Mothers & Midwives, Pregnancy symptom 1st Sign- Woman misses her period, Breasts getting too full causes Breast Abscess, Breast Abscess prevention Keep breast clean; If sore nipple or cracks develop, breast feed the baby often but for shorter periods; Put a little vegetable oil or baby oil on the nipples after each feeding, Newborn Baby's Care for symptoms after birth (in the first few days or weeks) as Fits begin several days later the day of birth, Infections as Gut Infection, Vaginal Discharge or as Genital Infections/ Urinary Infections, Newborn Baby's Care for symptoms after birth (in the first few days or weeks) as Fits from the day of birth, Prenatal Check-ups are must to meet health needs for e.g. Keeping Records, Piles symptom Little Lumps at Anus that may blled; If lump is large go to doctor, Trichomonas Infection treatment Douch with Vinegar-water (3 tespoons of vinegar in 1 litre of boiled water) or dilute Genitian Violet (2 teaspoons to a half litre water), Hemophilus (Bacterial Infection) treatment Douch with Vinegar-water (3 tespoons of vinegar in 1 litre of boiled water); Insert vaginal tablet of Sulfathiazole twice a day for 2 weeks; Consult Doctor, Dehydration symptom Sagging in of the 'Soft Spot' (on top of the head just above the middle forehead) in Infants; Little or no Urine; Urine is dark dark yellow; Dry mouth; Sunken, tearless eyes; Sudden weight loss; Loss of elasticity/stretchi- ness of skin, Irregularity in length of time in between periods may be symptoms of Malnutrition, Serious Infection (possibly cancer) treatment Consult Doctor; Take Antibiotic (Ampicillin), Miscarriage means Developing Baby's Death, Bacterial Infection of Blood (Septicemia) treatment Consult Doctor, Trichomonas Infection treatment Use Lemon Juice in water; Use vaginal inserts that contain Metronidazole, * Baby does not breathe; * Pulse not felt or less than 100 per minute; * Face & body turn white, blue, or yellow after the baby has begun breathing; * His arms & legs are floppy (unable to move by himself or even on pinching); * Baby grunts or has difficulty in breathing after the first 15 minutes needs immediate Medical Help/ Consulting Doctor, Pregnancy as Ectopic Pregnancy, Menstrual Period (Monthly Bleeding) needs to do during it Walk, do light work or exercises; Take hot drink or put feet in hot; Take Aspirin or put hot compresses on the belly for pain relief; Do usual work with usual eating