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This Concept Map has information related to: CMap for Family Planning Birth Control, Sexually Trans- mitted Infect- ions (STIs), HIV / AIDS or AIDS /HIV, Birth Control is possible by several methods as IUDs, Condom for Men prevents Pregnancy, IUDs means A plastic or metal object is placed inside the womb by doctor to prevent pre- gnancy; It may cause pain, discomfort or serious problems to some women; This is the simplest and most economical method, Mucus Method needs self- examination of The mucus from woman's vagina every day except period time; She should take a little mucus of her vagina with a clean finger and try to make it stretch between her thumb & forefinger:- If mucus is sticky like paste- not slippery or slimy- then she may not become pregnant today; Otherwise if mucus gets slippery or slimy, like raw eggs, or if it stretches between fingers then she might become pregnant; Mucus becomes slippery during few days midway between a woman's periods, Birth Control Injections for women should be taken Every 1-3 months at a health clinic if she isn't pregnant; For immediate protection- take it within 5 days after monthly bleeding begins, otherwise protection begins after 2 weeks; e.g. Depo-Provera, Spermicide prevents Pregnancy, Combined Method is a surer way to prevent Pregnancy, Packet of 28 Tablets is to be continued for avoiding Pregnancy, Birth Control is possible by several methods as Condom for Women