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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: clothing01, its not the same for men and women for women seeing a naked woman is a serious sin for an orthodox man. Women in public are expected to be covered at all times., its not the same for men and women for men Modesty - TSINIUT men in actual fact in orthodoxy always are modest, covering their arms and legs at all times., In ancient times, clothes were extremely EXPENSIVE which explains the more relaxed rules about clothing in the MISHNAH because clothes were expensive people were not expected to work in their clothes The Torah says - if you take a man's cloak as security for a loan, you must return it to him every night so that he can sleep under it. People only owned one garment unless they were rich., Torah prohibits mixture of wool & linen in same garment why? non-orthodox: this is an ancient pagan practice, its origins are lost in the mists of time, When fashions became more modern looking in the middle ages togas were no longer worn. An artificial garment was invented to be specially worn at prayers - the garment we now call the TALLIT ???? pious orthodox jews wear a mini-one under their shirts so they can fulfill the command to wear fringes on a four cornered garment., Torah prohibits mixture of wool & linen in same garment why? orthodox: this is an example of a law with no reason - a Divine Decree of CHOK, its not the same for men and women for women In ancient times, clothes were extremely EXPENSIVE which explains the more relaxed rules about clothing in the MISHNAH, its not the same for men and women for women married women must also cover their hair - a woman's hair "is sexual nakedness", kittel when worn? a dead person is buried in one, In ancient times, clothes were extremely EXPENSIVE which explains the more relaxed rules about clothing in the MISHNAH because clothes were expensive people were not expected to work in their clothes if it wasn't in open public, the rules were different: The Mishnah says - a man working naked in the fields who wants to say the SHEMA must cover his genitals first., clothing modesty its not the same for men and women, clothing ritual clothes kittel, clothing kosher? Torah prohibits mixture of wool & linen in same garment, kittel when worn? on yom kippur, When fashions became more modern looking in the middle ages togas were no longer worn. An artificial garment was invented to be specially worn at prayers - the garment we now call the TALLIT reform jews english reform still wears them, a square garment with fringes on the corners why? In ancient times, many rabbis were strict and would only pray in an outer garment - called a TALLIT - equal to a suit jacket today. This was a toga-like thing, with 4 corners, according to the Torah, any 4 cornered garment may only be worn if it has fringes tied on the corners what are these called? TZITZIT, non-orthodox: this is an ancient pagan practice, its origins are lost in the mists of time non-orthodox custom non-orthodox judaism rejects this law as illogical and of no practical use., was not expected to wear clothes: Mishnah Hallah says, a woman kneeding dough naked at home simply needs to kneel to say the berachah. Kneeling will cover her "sexual nakedness" sufficiently to allow her to say Gods name for the blessing. because of anatomical differences kneeling will not conceal a man's "sexual nakednesss" - hence the need for some straw to cover his genitals. if it wasn't in open public, the rules were different: The Mishnah says - a man working naked in the fields who wants to say the SHEMA must cover his genitals first., clothing ritual clothes yarmulkeh