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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: jonah01, jonah draws short straw he admits his guilt he asks to be thrown in the sea so he can commit suicide, Jonah critical view it is mythological, The ship is overcome by a storm sailors think storm is supernatural jonah is found asleep during the storm, jonah is found asleep during the storm lots are cast to determine who is guilty jonah draws short straw, jonah asks God to kill him god reacts a leafy plant grows next to him for shade, Nineveh is not destroyed jonah is upset that god saves the city and sits in a shady spot to see what will happen, God tells Jonah off for being selfish. how? God says, should I not care for Nineveh, a city where people do not know their right hand from their left, and also many cows?, even some orthodox regard it as a MIDRASH proof? Nineveh is described in a legendary way - 3 days walk across i.e. bigger than modern Greater London., he asks God to kill him what is God's reaction? God tells Jonah off for being selfish., Nineveh is not destroyed jonah is upset that god saves the city jonah asks God to kill him, and sits in a shady spot to see what will happen note that even though he is already sitting in a shady spot... a leafy plant grows next to him for shade, storm goes away sailors are saved They offer sacrifices to Yaweh, the Jewish God, even some orthodox regard it as a MIDRASH proof? both MAN and ANIMALS, even some orthodox regard it as a MIDRASH proof? The idea that the King of Nineveh, a non-Jewish King would listen to a Jewish prophet, is a bit strange, Jonah critical view even some orthodox regard it as a MIDRASH, Prophet in the days of Jeroboam II.; son of Amittai of Gath-hepher. He is a historical personage; for, according to II Kings xiv. 25, he predicted in Yhwh's name the extent to which Jeroboam II. would restore the boundaries of the Northern Kingdom, "from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain." the lost midrash would have told stories about him. i.e. a commentary on a Biblical Text - in this case, from the lost Midrash on the Book of Kings., it is mythological the psalm in the fish Jonah recites a psalm in the Fish, verse 3-10. This is a later addition., even some orthodox regard it as a MIDRASH proof? its language is hebrew from around 2300 years ago, a leafy plant grows next to him for shade a worm eats it jonah is unhappy, God says, should I not care for Nineveh, a city where people do not know their right hand from their left, and also many cows? again cows seem to be equated in value with people. Very odd! both MAN and ANIMALS