Plagiarism Policy



Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that will not be tolerated. It is cheating and will be treated as such.




“Students are prohibited from plagiarizing. Plagiarism is intentionally copying or imitating the language, ideas, thoughts, or work of another individual and presenting them as one’s own original work.”


Most students understand that coping word for word from a book without proper citations is plagiarism.  There are however many other forms or plagiarism that are just as serious.


The following are also examples of unacceptable plagiarism:


Copying work form other students:


·         Copying another students homework (in part or in full)

·         Copying from another students quiz or test (in part or in full)

·         Copying another students lab report (in part or in full)


Copying from the internet:


·         Doing a cut and paste from a web site without proper citations

·         Using online answers to homework problems or other assignments

·         Copying reports of other assignment (in part or in full) from internet sources


In General:


·         Anything other than the original work of the student is plagiaristic


Students are expected to do their own work and avoid the perception of plagiarism. Any student, who misrepresents the work of others as their own, will receive a zero for that assignment and will be referred to the administration for further disciplinary action per DASD policy.


Students should be prepared to prove that the work they turn in is their own. They must be able to:


·         Explain their work when asked how they did it

·         Reproduce their work on demand

·         Produce their notes and the supporting information they used to complete the assignment


Students who are suspected of plagiarism and who cannot prove that the work they submitted is their own, will not receive credit for the work.



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