Readings on Interaction in Multimedia Learning Materials
For a detailed discussion on design and learning issues: Interactivity and MultiMedia Interfaces (Kirsh)
The article, Interaction for Computer-Aided Learning (Schär,Schluep,Schierz) Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning concludes
"The user-interface can influence the learning performance considerably by inducing different learning modes. The user-interface has a direct influence on knowledge acquisition. We have shown that the success of learning a certain task is closely linked to the chosen learning strategy induced by the user-interface. Consequently, because the success of a learning strategy is task dependent, the user-interface can play a major role in the success of learning by supporting or inhibiting certain strategies. Even apparently irrelevant factors of the user-interface can influence learning significantly. Hence, users of software are extremely sensitive to any effect imposed by the user-interface. This strongly suggests that we should evaluate new technology critically and in terms of whether it supports the aims set for a learning tool."
Can higher order thinking and cognitive engagement be enhanced with multimedia? (Stoney and Oliver) in Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer Enhanced Learning 1999/2
From Summary and Conclusions:
"It is clear from this study that the use of well designed interactive microworlds leads to learner cognitive engagement which, in turn, promotes greater degrees of concentration for longer periods of time. Further, a well-designed program will drive learners towards greater levels of higher order thinking which helps them achieve the implicit goals set by the program itself and explicit goals personally set by the learners."