Case 3 what if: LA/old/penetrating wound GROUP 4 History/clinical signs: history of trauma, mild to moderate lameness progressing to more severe lameness, there would be heat and swelling over the injury, there would also be a fever (very similar to the actual case 3, but there would be a wound) Specialty exams: underneath the wound, there would be a sequestrum and a cloaca (draining tract to the surface), there could possibly be a foreign body Despite the localized inflammation, there could possibly be signs of systemic illness (inflammatory leukogram, fever, etc.) Treatment: clean the wound, systemic and localized antibiotic therapy (after doing a culture/sensitivity test), NSAIDs, rest For acute infections: add a drain in the area if the reaction has not improved within 2-3 days of treatment initiation Prognosis: the prognosis is not as good for an older animal. Since the animal is mature, it is less likely that the infection would spread to the joint space due to the architecture of the blood vessels in the bone Different from actual case 3: there would be evidence of a wound Less likely to spread to joint space Prolonged healing time Would not localize to growth plate (donŐt need to worry about developmental problems as a result of infection)