Management Plan Our management plan for Jocelyn is based on multiple factors, including the stage of JocelynÕs problem, her age and general health, her life expectancy, the clientÕs situation, and the prognosis. Our recommendation is triple pelvic osteotomy. While Jocelyn has moderate to severe hip dysplasia, she is a very young animal and has very little osteoarthritis yet; therefore, her prognosis with this procedure is excellent, especially given that it is intended to prevent the development of arthritis. The ideal candidate is usually 6-9 months of age. (This is in contrast to the indications for a total hip replacement, in that this procedure is not recommended for young animals.) The triple pelvic osteotomy procedure entails osteotomies of the ilium, ischium, and pubis, which creates a free-floating segment of the hemipelvis that includes the acetabulum. This piece is rotated and reattached to the pelvis using a plate or a pre-angled Slocum plate. The plate is placed across the ilial osteotomy site. It is recommended that only one hip be done at a time in order to reduce the risk of complications. The second operation is done 3-5 weeks after the first, after the dog has begun using the first limb repaired. It is essential that Jocelyn be kept restrained during the healing period from the first operation until 7-8 weeks after the second operation. This means confinement to a home or kennel, short leash walks only, no running, no jumping, and no contact with other dogs. Given the resources and commitment of JocelynÕs owners, we do not anticipate that this would present a difficulty. The cost of the procedure is approximately $2000-2400 per hip, but can be higher. Again, JocelynÕs owners are committed to the optimal treatment regimen for a positive outcome for Jocelyn.