Diagnosis: After reviewing the radiographic and orthopedic specialty exams we decided that the evidence supported hypothesis #1. We feel that there was trauma to the right rear leg which now accounts for the patellar luxation. More specifically we feel that the right femur was fractured when the dog jumped off the bed. The dog limped for about a month while the fracture healed. Since there was no cast placed on the leg, the femur healed with a slight lateral curvature to the distal 1/3. It was this curvature which over the next six months caused the patella to become displaced and now luxated medially on extension of the stifle. We feel that the pain noted during the physical exam in the left leg is due to over compensation during the initial trauma. During the exam while sedated it showed no pain response and no abnormalities where found. The pain also noted in the vertebral column on the physical exam was not noted on the sedated exam.