LEARNING ISSUES Elbow clickingÑnumerous etiologies; seen with pathological problems that are usually bilateral, or indicative of inflammation and pain, so probably not relevant in this case. Ortalani sign Ð positive sign indicates hip laxity; used to diagnose hip dysplasia Grades of lameness Ð Grade 1: barely perceptible Grade 2: noticeable lameness but weight-bearing most of the time Grade 3: only occasionally weight-bearing, usually for balance Grade 4: non-weight-bearing-leg-carrying lameness Range of motion (normal vs abnormal) Ð normal range of motion for coxofemoral joint is 110 degrees; extension Ð 40 degrees; flexion Ð 140 degrees; pain can cause muscle spasm, which will affect range of motion Cranial drawer Ð test to measure displacement of tibia to determine if cruciate ligament is ruptured Joint pain etiology - multiple etiologies such as ruptured ligaments leading to joint instability, inflammation, joint effusion, abnormal articular cartilages. The underlying reason for the pain ( esp in the case of the hip) is disruption of the articular cartilage such that there is rapid wear and disintegration leading to exposure of the subchondral bone. There are no pain receptors ( nociceptors ) in the articular cartilage, but there is in the subchondral bone. More of this will be expounded on depending on diagnosis. Pain in extension vs flexion Ð pain on extension suggests subluxation. Dietary effects Ð accelerated growth rate (due to improper diet) causes rapidly growing skeleton, aberrations in ossification, damage to developing cartilage and growth plates, and premature closure of growth plates; relative to hips, premature femoral head closure results in improper alignment with acetabulum; improperly formed articular cartilage wears faster, and then subchondral bone exposed (causes pain).