Learning issues Group 11 Case 5 * Is there any significance to the signalment? Any valgus deformities associated with Limousine breed? Are males more likely than females? * What can cause a diffuse swelling of the whole leg? Is it just due to the cast? Is the infection involved? * Is this a common sequella to forced extraction? Are there injuries like this recorded as sequellae calf extraction? How is this injury related to the use of obstetrical chains and what is a Frank's calf jack? * What was the initial injury? Was there open wounds or just evidence of a fracture? * What is the significance of the skin sloughage? Is it due to rubbing sores? Can it be the source of infection? * Is this problem associated with the use of half limb casts? What are the complications of using casts and heavy bandaging on a young calf? What is the proper bandaging and casting positioning and technique for young animals? * What can cause valgus in the fetlock area? Can a fracture be solely responsible? Joint pathology? Physis deformity? What is the most common cause of fetlock valgus in cattle? * What are the mechanisms involved with valgus deformities? What traumas are needed to damage the physis enough to cause a valgus deformity? Is there a congenital cause? Can it be due to mismatched size with the dam due to the embryo transfer? * What does the time frame suggest in terms of healing of the fracture and development of the valgus deformity? * What is the normal TPR for a calf? If the TPR values are high, is it due to the stress, pain, infection? * Is there nerve damage? How will that affect the plan of action and prognosis? * Is unstability and crepitance unusual at this stage of fracture healing, and what could cause it to not be healed? Infection? Malunion? Congenital defect? Some other bone disease? * What is the significance of the draining tract? Open fracture? Sequestrum? Abscess? Bone infection? * What are the complications of an infection at the site of a fracture? At the site of a valgus deformity? * What is the significance of the limited ROM in the fetlock? Does this point toward one hypothesis or another? What can cause it? Fibrosis and contracture? Osteoarthritis? Tendon contracture? * What do the tight bands of tissue and the raised toes suggest? What is the the significance of this in regards to the handling of this case? Can this be as a result of the original injury? Casting? Non-use of the leg? How does this affect the treatment or prognosis? * Does the presence of the open wounds after 3 months suggest disease beyond the leg problems? * Could the infection have disseminated from a pneumonia or disseminated to the lungs?