Swollen right hind fetlock indicates location very lame on the right hind and refuses to use - location thinks the mare stepped on the foal's leg- possible trauma 2 weeks old- neonate period immune system less active She is nursing normally- may rule out systemic illness part of the small herd- exposed to other horses but small in number Temp 101.8 - WNL rules out systemic infection bright and alert- rules out severe systemic problem all systems except the musculoskeletal appear within normal limits - rules out severe illness except for MS system Respiratory Rate = 52- WNL? If high could be caused by pain Toe touching lame worsened with palpation and manipulation- motion causes pain and worsen reaction reveals soft tissue swelling (pitting edema) starting 12 cm proximal to the fetlock and extending just distal to it- localizes to fetlock- inflammation is occurring at location No foreign body in foot nor does foal resent the hoof testers- rule out abscess puncture wound in hoof causing lameness No instability or crepitance upon palpation- may rule out an anaerobic infection but not trauma to joint because there are many compensatory mech to stabilize the joint