Group 13 Learning Issues 1) How the combination of corticosteroids, fluids, analgesics, and antimicrobials may affect the physical status of our patient. Specifically, can the swollen limbs be complicated by, or the result of the therapies given? Moreover, may the true nature of the decreased acceptance of weight on the hind limbs be masked by the therapies? 2) Is the dog's distemper, parvo and helminth vaccination status relevant to the clinical signs? 3) Is the cohabitation with 2 horses, 2 ferrets, and 4 rabbits relevant the development of the clinical signs? 4) What does the presence of superficial and deep pain sensation in both hind limbs mean? 5) What does it mean when the reflex responses in the hind limbs are inconsistent? 6) Tests / examination procedures necessary to rule out a deficit of the spinal innervation of the hind limbs.