Hypothesis 2 Degenerative changes leading to stifle joint pain Right hind limb lameness could be due to degenerative changes in the stifle joint. A previous trauma could have caused damage to the joint leading to degenerative changes. The trauma of falling off the bed leads to abnormal forces on cartilage. This results in damage to cartilage matrix and chondrocytes. Proteoglycans from the damaged matrix are released into the joint space causing swelling of the cartilage leading to a loss of tensile strength and further damage and fissures and clefts on articular surface. There will be an inablilty to distribute normal forces on the joint. Abnormal stress is put on the subchondral bone causing it to thicken this puts extra stress on the remaining cartilage eventually the bone remodels and osteophytes are formed. These changes become self perpetuating