Specialty Exam Results The clinical pathology results show a packed cell volume and hemoglobin below the reference range, as well as a low MCV and high MCHC. These findings are not very disturbing, as the reference ranges are for adult horses and not 2-week old foals. The increased platelets are an anomaly which is difficult to explain. Perhaps the epinephrine released due to excitement caused splenic contraction and subsequent release of thrombocytes. The normal fibrinogen and normal leukogram indicate a localized infection, rather than systemic. The joint tap showed a moderately cellular fluid, which is an abnormal finding. Normal joint fluid should be acellular. The cells found in the foal's joint fluid are predominately small mononuclear cells, indicating an inflammatory response likely due to the bacteria. The culture and sensitivity results show Klebsiella pneumoniae which is sensitive to amikacin, gentamicin, ceftofur, and chloramphenicol and enrofloxacin. The radiology results are hard to interpret due to the appearance on a computer screen, however, no major fractures are noted. Increased opacity is noted in the fetlock joint which might indicate soft tissue swelling.