Your foal has a localized bacterial infection in his right hind fetlock. The bacteria could have entered through a wound in the foals fetlock, or traveled there after entering through the lungs, gut or umbilicus. It is crucial that we care for this infection promptly and aggressively so that the foal has the best possible chance of recovery. We would like to keep her for a week in order to begin his antibiotic therapy and clean out his joint (lavage). We will need to put her under general anesthesia for this procedure. We will be sending her home with two different antibiotics; one is to be given once daily and the other 3 times daily. Follow the instructions on the bottle and finish all of the pills. Do not discontinue treatment if she appears to have recovered before the pills are gone. We will also be sending home anti-inflammatory pills to help control the pain. Follow the instructions on the label. For the safest recovery, her activity needs to be restricted. Keep her stalled and allow her to rest, but do not immobilize the joint. Passive movement may help her heal Š at your convenience, gently manipulate her joint using your hands as we have shown you to do. We will need to recheck her three weeks after her release. If her condition appears to worsen before then, call us. Once the infection has cleared, we will have a new prescription for her. Watch her closely and donÕt hesitate to call if you have any questions.