Hypothesis 2: Acute cranial cruciate ligament injury Damage to the cranial cruciate ligament is the primary focus of the diagnostic workup since the left stifle demonstrates a positive cranial drawer sign, a test that is indicative of a partial or complete cranial cruciate ligament rupture. In addition to this test result, there is no palpable pain or abnormality in the patella, collateral ligaments of the stifle or the hip joint. Although the cranial drawer of the right stifle was reported as <2mm, this is considered normal and will not be investigated further. However, an obese large-breed dog is predisposed to degenerative joint disease and other joint injury so the owner should be observant of any gait changes in the future. Injury during strenuous exercise has been shown to cause cranial cruciate ligament rupture. "Bonnie" certainly experiences activity that puts excessive force on her joints due to her body weight. The cranial cruciate is responsible for limiting tibial rotation and stifle hyperextension. It neutralizes the compressive forces that act to move the tibia cranially, but the tibia is only kept in place if the cranial cruciate is intact. An acute injury to the cranial cruciate can occur if the dog suddenly rotates the femur externally when the stifle is flexed and bearing the dog's weight. This sudden movement causes the internal rotation of the tibia and exceeds the breaking strength of the ligament. The internal rotation causes the cranial cruciate to twist and it may become damaged on the femoral condyle. Therefore, this twisting movement breaks the collagen fibers within the cruciate and the tibia is now free to move cranially (the cranial drawer sign). Excessive force can also be placed on the cranial cruciate when the stifle is hyperextended. This can occur if the dog suddenly stops running and the tibia is held in place while the rest of the body continues moving. Once the cruciate has ruptured, there is intra-articular hemorrhage and effusion causing pain. The joint capsule, which is heavily innervated (hence the pain), will eventually limit the effusion and hemorrhage since its capacity for distension is limited. The ruptured ligament retracts and fans out and will attain a "mop-end" appearance. Osteophytes develop with time in an effort to stabilize the joint. Medical meniscal injury is common after cranial cruciate ligament rupture. When this ligament ruptures, the abnormal tibial rotation places an excessive force on the meniscus from the femoral condyle. This occurs because the meniscus is immobile; it is fixed to the joint capsule. The additional compression and rotation placed on the meniscus tears its fibers. It is important to check for a medial meniscal injury during the cruciate repair because failure to repair the injury can decrease the prognosis after surgery due to exacerbation of osteoarthritis. A fracture the bone containing the insertions of the cranial cruciate ligament can also cause the clinical signs of cranial cruciate ligament rupture since the ligament no longer has the structural integrity to prevent the tibia from being pushed cranially by the forces of weight-bearing and muscle tension. This type of fracture is known as a fracture-luxation injury. A fracture occurs as a result of force being placed on the bone that exceeds its stress capacity. As the bone absorbs the excess force, it breaks. Once the bone fractures, the healing process begins with inflammation incited by necrotic dead bone in the fracture site. Lysosomal enzymes released by the damaged osteocytes destroy the bone matrix while the acute phase proteins cause coagulation leading to a hematoma at the fracture site. The components in the hematoma include macrophages, lymphocytes and fibroblasts, which eliminate the dead bone while promoting angiogenesis. Osteoclasts also remove dead bone. During the repair phase, the hematoma becomes organized as the macrophages initiate fibroplasias. Osteoprogenitor cells move into the fracture site from the medullary cavity and periosteum while new blood vessels migrate in from the surrounding soft tissue. A callus eventually bridges the fracture and the cartilage is mineralized and then transformed into bone. This remodeling phase could take years after the initial trauma before it is completed.