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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CMap_priya bakhru_Ballet, Positions different feet and arms Second, Turns different types Pique turns, Petite Jumps most common type Changement, Steps challenging Petite Jumps, Performance Pieces an example is Swan Lake, Ballet there are many Forms, Forms people who created the different types Vagonava, Turns different types Fuette, Leaps an example Gran Jute, Performance Pieces another example is Nutcracker, Positions different feet and arms First, Forms people who created the different types Balanchine, Positions different feet and arms Third, Positions ???? Fifth, Positions different feet and arms Fourth, Steps challenging Turns, Ballet is full of Steps, Performance Pieces from literature Romeo and Juliet, Steps challenging Leaps, Steps basic ones include Positions