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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Bananas, 125 g which is remarkably 3/4 Water, Bananas grow in Bunches (clusters), Plants genus Musa thrive in The Tropics, Nutrition consisting of V. B6, Bananas are virtually all Seedless, Bananas typically are Handpicked, Bananas weigh in at about 125 g, Nutrition consisting of Vitamin A, Bananas thrive in The Tropics, Seedless but are sown by planting the Bunches (clusters), Bananas grow on Plants genus Musa, Water so plentiful in The Tropics, Bunches (clusters) grow on Plants genus Musa, Nutrition consisting of V. C, Handpicked by labor in The Tropics, Bananas can be a good source for Nutrition, Nutrition consisting of Water