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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cell Biology, Cell Biology is the study of Cells, Proteins have different Conformations, Cells adapt to Extracellular Matrix, Catalysts undergoes change in Conformations, Cytosol contains Endoplasmic Reticulum, Receptors cause Signal Cascades, Cytosol contains Golgi Apparatus, Gene Expression regulates Cell Functions, Cells consists of Structures, ADP needed to make ATP, Amino Acids make Primary Structures, Cell Functions e.g. Growth, Extracellular Matrix composed of Glycoproteins, Extracellular Matrix composed of Minerals, Cytosol contains Mitochondrion, Tertiary Structures make Quaternary Structures, Signal Cascades can alter Protein Functions, ATP is Energy, Cytoskeleton made of Microfilaments, Protein Functions control Gene Expression