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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Chapter 3-1, chicken sarcoma virus was hypothetically obtained from filtrate from chicken tumor, viruses can be cell-killing, viruses ex tumor viruses, virions can interact with cells as a virulent interaction, filtrate from chicken tumor was injected into cancer-free chicken, viruses often have a specific and simple life cycle, virions contain nucleic acids, chicken sarcoma virus believed to cause sarcoma in breast muscle, viruses can be cell proliferating, virulent interaction eg cell is quickly destroyed, infectious disease were classified based on size into bacteria, virions can interact with cells as a temperate interaction, temperate interaction eg cell is not immediately destroyed, infectious disease were classified based on size into viruses, cancer-free chicken which caused sarcoma in breast muscle, cell proliferating which have the potential to be tumor viruses, tumor viruses ex chicken sarcoma virus, viruses often called virions, cell-killing eg cytopathic, virions are generally covered in a capsid