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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Section 4.5, Immunoglobulin heavily expressed in Lymph tissue, Proto-oncogene a result of Gene amplification, myc oncogene related to N-myc, Etiologic factors infection by Epstein-Barr virus, myc oncogene causes Burkitt's lymphoma, myc oncogene discussed further in Chapter 8, N-myc expressed more than the Proto-oncogene, N-myc uses the same promoter as the Proto-oncogene, Translocation occurs around a Breakpoint, Etiologic factors infection by Malaria, Burkitt's lymphoma affected by Etiologic factors, Translocation between the myc gene and Immunoglobulin, Burkitt's lymphoma the result of a chromosomal Translocation