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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 5.3, Serines/threonines/and tyrosines illicit Mitogenic effects, EGFs are specific Growth factors, EGF receptor shares sequences with other viral oncoproteins, EGF receptor uses a kinase domain, tyrosine kinase phosphorylate its' tyrosines, Hydrophobic is a regioin of a transmembrane protein, Hydrophobic is a regioin of EGF receptor, tyrosine kinase use an evolutionarilly conserved kinase domain, other viral oncoproteins phosphorylate their Serines/threonines/and tyrosines, Growth factors if screwed up, can result in tumorgenesis, other viral oncoproteins can function as a tyrosine kinase, Src kinase specifically operates as a tyrosine kinase, Growth factors can also stimulate Motility, the ectodomain is a regioin of EGF receptor, Growth factors illicit Mitogenic effects, the ectodomain is a regioin of a transmembrane protein, EGF receptor specifically operates as a tyrosine kinase, other viral oncoproteins use an evolutionarilly conserved kinase domain, Src kinase uses a kinase domain, EGFs bind specifically to the ectodomain