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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 5.6, v-ErbB has a built-in modified Ectodomain, Monomeric meaning One protein subunit, Receptor dimerizations are part of the mechanism of Transphosphorylation, Transphosphorylation is essential for RTKs, RTKs have an altered form in tumors, Mutant receptor genes are heritable traits, protein Structural changes affect the firing of Kit, Kit uses the mechanism of Receptor dimerizations, Two protein subunits if identical are Homodimers, Altered RTK region may result in lignad-independant firing, ligand binding can be used in Receptor dimerizations, RTKs have shared domains, Hematopoiesis is the formation of various types of blood cells, EGFs lead to phosphotyrosine formation on EGF-R, lignad-independant firing leads to mitotic signal emission, Transphosphorylation is essential for mitotic signal emission, growth factors are often found to be dimeric ligands, Dimerized RTKs are specific Receptor dimerizations, dimeric ligands can be used in Receptor dimerizations, Overexpression of GF-Rs increases the chance of Transphosphorylation