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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: chapter 5 merged, paracrine signalling eg signal close cells, growth factors can also stimulate Motility, tissue architecture depends on discarding, Dishevelled protein inhibits GSK-3β, Altered Ras is found in a variety of tumors, Hematopoiesis is the formation of various types of blood cells, Protein structural changes affect the firing of Kit, signal-transducing proteins funnel signals into the nucleus, anchorage dependence attach to ECM, EGF bind specifically to the EGF-R, kinase eg transferer of phosphate group, TGF-β receptors phosphorylate threonine, autocrine signalling eg cell self-signalling, EGF-R as mentioned in Section 4.6, serpentine has multiple transmembrane domains, serpentine contribute to few cancers, GAPs for hydrolysis of GTP, cancers described in Chapter 6, ECM is a meshwork of proteoglycans, meduloblastomas which will be further discussed in Ch 16