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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Chapter 6 Merged Map, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase discussed in Section 6.6, domain structure is the modular unit of protein structure, domain structure in binding domains, Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) are "Dual address" proteins, Src protein domains including SH3, Ras protein that was introduced in Section 5.9, cell division without protein synthesis that is de novo, 150 target genes including IAP-2, G-protein-coupled receptors bind Heterotrimeric G-proteins, Ubiquitylation results in Protein degradation, SH2 can form bridges that are intramolecular, Heterodimers composed of β sub-unit, STAT 1 to activate Transcription factors, Bcl-2 are Anti-apoptotic proteins, "Dual address" proteins normally reside in Cytoplasm, concentration levels changes activity of Ras protein, Tcf/Lef promotes the transcription of Cyclin D1, βγ-heterodimer when activated activates Src, PH-containing molecules i.e. Akt/PKB, α sub-unit when activated activates Phospholipase C-β