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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ch 11 sections Vince, accurate comparison between populations of different geographical locations, autocrine signaling manner and induce pre-neoplastic changes in cells, longer life span for Older people, prostaglandin E2 evokes phenotypes of metastatic cells, tumor cell populations become increasingly unstable, deletion of chromosomal segments, PKC-alpha is a promoter of skin tumorigenesis, Older people are more prone to Tumor formation, promoters induce division, COX-2 forms prostaglandin E2, TPA targets PKC-alpha, chromosomal segments in genomes, inflammation aids tumor progression, Tumor formation is a multi-step process, tumor cell populations of High-grade tumors cells, PGE2 can act in a autocrine, linear path of clonal succession, accurate comparison between populations of different times, PKC-alpha indirectly leads to inflammation, inactive APC gene has a familial form called Familial adenomatous polyposis