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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Hplus2, new organisation needs committed and strong leadership, new organisation can take the form of Abundance4All (A4A), new organisation should be explicitly commited to diversity, goals of H+ include offer new meaning to masses, Giulio Prisco suggests to relaunch WTA, human enhancement is connected to singularity issues, TransMemetics is a mailing list, views about strategy, discussion of H+ strategy is recorded in thpromo, new H+ structure can be new organisation, new H+ structure must have a single action plan, federation can have Mother-of-All-Blogs (MOAB), views about goals of H+, new H+ structure can maximize impact, new organisation can take the form of Global Action-Force of Action-Favoring Active Transhumanists (GAFAFAT), goals of H+ include becoming as gods, prozelitizing makes possible H+ meme dissemination, new H+ structure is conceived to deal with transhumanism, wild diversity of views applies to views, political player can legalize technological self-determination