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Argumentario.cmap Champions.cmap Cluster de Competencias.cmap Gatekeeper.cmap Generadores de Ideas.cmap Howell 1990 Champions of Technological Innovation.cmap Howell 2001 Individual differences, enviromental scanning, innovation framing, and champion behavior.cmap Howell 2004 - Champions of technological innovation The influence of contextual knowledge, rol orientation, idea generation, and idea promotion on champion emergence.cmap Howell 2005 - Champions of product innovations defining, developing, and validating a measure of champion behavior.cmap Jenssen 2003 - How do Corporate Champions Promote Innovations.cmap Markham 1998- The Breakfast Champions.cmap Modelo de Competencias.cmap Patrocinadores.cmap Presentación proyecto de Investigación.cmap Roberts 2007 Managing Invention and Innovation.cmap Vojak 2006 - Characteristics Technical Visionaries.cmap