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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Chapter 15, antigens are immunogenic, tolerance as oppose to self reactive lmphocytes, TGF-beta receptor activation initiates Apoptosis, Regulatory T cells in cancer patients represent 25-30%, Immune responses including innate immune response, Operable tumors have a lower incidence of Relapse, Herceptin is either Chimerized antibody, Natural killer (NK) cells recognize Membrane stress signals, T Cells include cytotoxic T cells, B cells create plasma cells, immocompromised mice still had Natural Killer cells, Herceptin targets the HER2 receptor, 25-30% of CD4+ cells, Immunocytes through FasL, oligopeptides places on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, innate immune response involves natural endowment, Immune products e.g. Antibodies, complement aka proteins in the plasma, cytotoxic T cells use Fas death receptor, Antigens displayed by infectious particles