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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: deduction, all S are M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) all S are P, some S are M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) some S are not P, some M are S therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) some S are P, all M are P therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) some S are P, no prisoner of war should ever be in- tentionally mistreated therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) prisoners of war should not be tortured, some S are M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) some S are not P, some M are S therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) some S are not P, no bachelor is married therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) Sam is not a bachelor, no M is P therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) some S are not P, no bike has four wheels therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) no bike is a car, observation in an experiment based on this sample of bats are bats that avoid obstacles when flying, no P is M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) no S is P, all P are M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) no S is P, all P are M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) no S is P, all S are M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) no S is P, Deduction in categorical logic: The 15 logically valid forms where the basic unit are classes (or sets, categories) and predicates. Predicates are predicated either of all members of a class or of some (i.e. at least one), Sam is married therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) Sam is not a bachelor, this sample of bats is blindfolded so that they can not use of their eyes therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) this sample of bats are not bats that avoid obstacles when flying, the basic unit are classes (or sets, categories) and predicates. Predicates are predicated either of all members of a class or of some (i.e. at least one) see also LAM schemes in propositional logic, some P are M therefore (ArgScheme: deduction) some S are P