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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Integument, Skin Consists of 4 types of cells, Hair follicle invagination of epidermis hair bulb at terminal dilation s.germ.-like cells hair hair core of hair - medullary cell cortical cells cuticle cells internal root sheath cells- keratinized outer sheath of hair external RS cells - continuous w/ epi. same layers as epi, stratum lucidum NOT mitotic thin, no nuclei, orgs translucent contain eleidin very acidophilic in thick skin stratum granulosum NOT mitotic basophilic granules - keratohyalin membrane-bound granules GAGs and phospholipids barrier to microorgs, water, etc., Skin consists of 2 types, 4 types of cells ???? Merkel Cells Mostly in thick skin Mechano-receptive Associated w/ nerve endings 80 nm neurosecretory granules, Appendages ???? Sweat Glands, Dermis 2 layers Outer: Papillary Layer makes dermal papillae loose CT fibroblasts mast cells leukocytes, Integument ???? Skin, 2 layers (+) inner inner Hypodermis deep to dermis not actually skin, Merkel Cells Mostly in thick skin Mechano-receptive Associated w/ nerve endings 80 nm neurosecretory granules Located in stratum basale Mitotic cuboidal/columnar hemidesmosomes to bsmt desmosomes to each other nucleus protected by melanin, Sweat Glands ???? Eccrine Merocrine Simple, coiled tubes secrete non-viscous fluid excretory fcn evaporation cools skin thermo vs. emotional sweating forehead->palms and vise-versa, Merkel Cells Mostly in thick skin Mechano-receptive Associated w/ nerve endings 80 nm neurosecretory granules specialized form of Keratinocytes ECTODERMAL majority of cells in skin differentiate while moving up, Sensory receptors all myel until reaching destination ???? Meissner's corpuscles thick skin and nipples, lips discrim. touch char. by tortuous Schwann cells around 1-2 axons in dermal papillae, Melanocytes NEURAL CREST in s. germ. replicate slowly to provide for k'cytes not connected via desmosomes to k'cytes can attach to bsmt via hemidesmosomes Make Melanin via: Tyrosine+tyrosinase Injected into k'cytes cytocrine secretion umbrella over DNA, Sensory receptors all myel until reaching destination ???? Pacinian corpuscles in dermis thick and thin skin esp in fingertips vibratory/pressure sense when lamellae displaced onion-like appearance around axon, 2 layers (+) Inner Dermis, Integument ???? Appendages, Langerhans cells MESODERMAL immune system of epi dendritic in s. spinosum engulf and present, APC style can migrate to dermis and lymph nodes Mostly contained in stratum spinosum Mitotic polygonal cells spiny desmosomes begin differentiation begin keratinization, Epidermis up to 5 layers Stratum corneum Flattened, dead Keratin filled "horny cells", Hair follicle invagination of epidermis hair bulb at terminal dilation s.germ.-like cells Hair-associated Arrector pili muscle sm. m attach to dermal hair sheath and papillary layer goosebumps and insulation