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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Acids, Acidic Properties (2) Conducts electricity, Acidic Properties (3) Reacts with, Acids includes organic acids, inorganic acids for eg. sulfuric acid, Reacts with ???? ????, inorganic acids for eg. nitric acid, inorganic acids for eg. hydrochloric acid, Solutions containing Hydrogen Ions, Acids are Solutions, Hydroxides/Bases to give Salt + Water, Acids displays Acidic Properties, Hydrogen Ions responsible for Acidic Properties, ethanoic acid which is Weak Acid, Acidic Properties (1) Turns Blue litmus red, Acids includes inorganic acids, hydrochloric acid which is ????, Hydrogen Ions represented by <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> H </mtext> <none/> <mtext> + </mtext> </mmultiscripts> </mrow> </math>, Reacts with (a) Hydroxides/Bases, organic acids for eg. ethanoic acid