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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: WahlN1, Reader Response Criticism (Dobie 131-7) focuses on The interaction of the Text and the Reader, Categories including Free Verse, Interested in how colonized peoples are affected by their colonizers. interested in Mimicry, Different Time Periods which starts From 3000 B.C. to 500 A.D., Eighteenth-Century Period (Barton and Hudson 65-5) themed by Scientific Knowledge and Reason, Common Conventions of Poetry which are Melopoeia (Sound Effects), Elements of Literature (Sibley 1-6) which are Theme, Prose was written by Herman Melville, Eras of Literature (Barton and Hudson 12) Contains Modernist Period (Early 1900s-1960s) (Barton and Hudson 16), English Includes Literature, Nature in Prose, Henry James in The Ambassadors, Time Periods which includes Modern, A Germanic Language which is increasingly becoming more like Modern English such as by Geoffrey Chaucer, Memoirs and Autobiographies exemplified in The Woman Warrior, Classical Themes as written by Sir Thomas More, Postcolonial Studies (Dobie 205-11) which includes American Multiculturalism (Dobie 217-23), F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby, The Feminist Phase (1880-1920) in which Women protest their unequal rights, Caesura which is A "rhythmical break in the middle of the line" (Barton and Hudson 165)