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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 1SteedM1, Organizational Communication has functions within organizations which are Informative, Organizational Communication has myths such as Comm is a verbal process, Human Communication is made up of Organizational Communication, Organizational Communication has myths such as Telling is communicating, Organizational Communication has myths such as Comm is a natural ability, Organizational Communication has myths such as Comm can break down, Organizational Communication has functions within organizations which are Persuasive, Organizational Communication has functions within organizations which are Integrative, Organizational Communication has myths such as meanings are in words, Organizational Communication has myths such as More comm, the better, Organizational Communication ???? ????, Organizational Communication has myths such as Comm is always a good thing, Organizational Communication has functions within organizations which are Socialization, Organizational Communication has functions within organizations which are Management, Organizational Communication has myths such as Comm will solve all problems, Organizational Communication has functions within organizations which are Regulative