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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: PoulsenC2, cognitive psychology studies the mental processes that define behavior, PSYCHOLOGY is influenced by (Spielberger) Wilhelm Wundt (pg. 226), research using methods (Psych101) such as longitudinal studies, PSYCHOLOGY is influenced by (Spielberger) Carl Rogers (pg.103), split up into various subfields depending on exactly what you want to accomplish (Speilberger45-56) such as social psychology, PSYCHOLOGY relies on symbolic interpretation, social psychology which includes gender roles/ differences, different theories to explain the human mind which include Psychoanalysis, current problems today (Lovaglia) such as world view, Hans Eysneck involving Psychoticism, split up into various subfields depending on exactly what you want to accomplish (Speilberger45-56) such as personality psychology, research using methods (Psych101) such as controlled experiments, PSYCHOLOGY relies on critical analysis, Freud's unconscious idea containing Superego, world view consists of change and accleration, research using methods (Psych101) are affected by modes of inquiry (World), Quantitative using Theories, Quantitative using models, Hans Eysneck involving neuroticism, Piaget (pg. 198) focused on observation