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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: GardnerE2, Old English 450-1150 CE characterized by Germanic,rather than Latin or French influences (Baugh and Cable 55), strong influence of French language which occurred through aspects of social and academic life (Baugh and Cable 172), strong influence of French language which occurred through Norman Conquest (Baugh and Cable 174), literature is evaluated by elements, practitioners which include Friedrich Nietzche, standardization of language which includes (Baugh and Cable 194-195) spelling, proficiency in language, elements now obsolete which include (Baugh and Cable 54-56) unique pronunciations, parts of speech include ("Parts of Speech") interjections, Postcolonialism major pratitioners are Edward Said, practitioners which include Rene Descartes, mechanics and structure as in grammar, Jane Austen authored novels, graphic incorporates images, elements include (Sweetland) theme, William Shakespeare wrote in Modern English 1500 CE-present, literature types include (Hogue) drama, language values historical influence, Psychological incorporates the work of major psychologists, colons can be traditional