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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: harrist2, Main Theorists like Leon Festinger, Formal follows job instruction, Networks Use all Functions Regulative, Symbolic Interaction Theory (West 93) assumes People are influenced by social process, Formal follows Information, Cognitive Dissonance Theory (West 130) created by Leon Festinger, Orgtanizational Communication has functions Integrative, Networks either Informal, Formal follows Feedback, Cognitive Dissonance Theory (West 130) assumes Dissonance motivates to achieve consonance and dissonace reduction, Human Communication combines mind, Symbolic Interaction Theory (West 93) has Key Concepts, Human Communication combines role taking, Orgtanizational Communication has two different Networks, Formal has different types of flow Feedback, Cognitive Dissonance Theory (West 130) assumes dissonance is created by psycological inconsistance, Key Concepts such as symbols, Main Theorists like Judee Burgoon, Human Communication combines symbols, Expectancy Variations Theory (West 147) developed by Judee Burgoon