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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: jbown3, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? defined in three clusters of symptoms (Rosen, 2004). (3) heightened arousal, haunting memories which is a memory that is disturbing that has been learned over time through storage and retrieval of information (Myers, 2007)., as an anxiety disorder (Myers, 2007). which includes insomnia, by possibly causing depression (Myers, 2007). which consist of depressed moods, linger for four weeks or more after a traumatic experience more frequent exposure the more adverse the long-term outcomes tend to be (Myers, 2007)., Social withdrawal lack of interpersonal communication, insomnia defined as recurring problems in falling or staying asleep (Myers, 2007)., Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? defined in three clusters of symptoms (Rosen, 2004). (1) repepeatedly reexperiencing the trauma, Affecting the soldiers psychologically affects the soldiers as an anxiety disorder (Myers, 2007)., Affecting the soldiers psychologically affects the soldiers by possibly causing learned helplessness, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? defined in three clusters of symptoms (Rosen, 2004). (2) avoidance of activities and stimuliti associated with the trauma and emotional numbing, as an anxiety disorder (Myers, 2007). which includes social withdrawal, Social Support leads to Social Interaction, REM sleep which can lead to the solider with the nightmare believing that the nightmare is an actual vivad account (Myers, 2007)., (1) repepeatedly reexperiencing the trauma includes intrusive recollections of the event, social withdrawal which is a fear of public places (Myers, 2007)., nightmares occur during REM sleep, Social withdrawal loss of interest in usual activities in which individual interacts/communicates with others occurs (Douglas and Koch, 2005)., by possibly causing depression (Myers, 2007). which consist of feelings of worthlessness, How does Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affect returning soldiers in assimilating back into society? in ways of Communication with society